Berkeley Health & Wellness ExpoWe haven’t announced a Berkeley Health & Wellness Expo date yet… so sign up to get on the list!

Types of Berkeley Health & Wellness Exhibitors

Berkeley Healthy Body, Mind and Spirit

Family Health, Children's Health, Pet Health, Healthy Relationships, Berkeley Yoga and Meditation, Spas, Pools & Saunas, Mental Health, Medical Health, Berkeley Personal Coaches / Trainers, Lifestyle and Recreational Resources, Alternative Health & Medicine

Healthy Home and Environment

Green Living Resources, Alternative Energy, Healthy Home products

Healthy Lifestyles

Health Cooking, Nutrition and Vitamins, Activities and Exercise, Natural Foods & Products Berkeley Healthy Weight Loss

Financial Health

Berkeley Financial Advisors, Insurance, Banking


Become an Exhibitor!

Planet Wellness is committed to promoting a healthier Berkeley by building partnerships with Berkeley health care providers, businesses, and non-profit organizations in order to motivate consumers to take actions and make healthier living choices in Berkeley through the Planet Wellness Berkeley Health & Wellness Expo.